Big Brothers Have TV Throw Down...
It was nearly a case of handbags V Nike Air Max at high noon as two former Irish Big Brother contestants, Brian Dowling & Spiral, got all hot and bothered over a public TV prank recently... Good news - it was all caught on video camera. Bad news - Spiral refuses to sign the release. Can we catch a break?
Spiral |
People we finally, as a nation, have a purpose to get behind. Forget famine, Aids, cancer, house prices crashing, tribunals and eh, Papal infallibility. Forget all that. We want, nay demand, to see the hilarious footage of Brian Dowling's TV prank on Spiral when it all went south. Apparently, pair-shaped is an understatement - it all got totally out of control when the Finglas rapper copped the fake solider in make-up was his Big Brother nemesis and popped a neck vein... Fight. Fight. Fight.
Spiral |
Apparently Spiral, real name Glen Coroner, was still seeing-red after camp presenter Dowling slagged him off on a recent show called 'So You Want to Be Famous' and didn’t appreciate being Punked twice in a row by the former Trolley Dolly. An Enraged Spiral called Dowling a "has-been" and told him to "go f**k yourself" when RTE's 'Anonymous' show disguised Brian as a soldier and unleashed him on the unsuspecting hip-hop star. According to reports, things got very heated and the pair had to be separated by security. Sadly, Spiral refused to sign the release so RTE can't broadcast the footage. Damn. We would pay good money to see Spiral and Brian Dowling going at it... Spiral mate, we plead, we beg, on bended knee... Please let RTE broadcast the footage. Pwetty pwease?? Note to RTE bosses: Ahem. Ahem. YouTube. Cough. YouTube. Cough.
Devon Murray |
Well if we can't have Brian Dowling in a Celebrity Deathmatch with Spiral, at least give us Devon Murry in a Sumo Wrestling scrap with Brian Ormond. Celebrities in nappies = funny.