Macaulay's Pappy St Patrick's Day...
Looks like former child star Macaulay Culkin wished he'd stayed Home Alone (see what we did there?) when he got papped in Beverly Hills this week. At least he had his apparent Irishness to defend himself with... Begorrah!
Macaulay Culkin |
Now we're not quite sure if child actor, turned grown-up, Macaulay Culkin is in fact Irish. What we do know is, he likes to deck himself out in Ireland caps, t-shirts, jackets and even carries a small potato around inside his pants. It's his Irish curse ye know?
Macaulay Culkin |
But when a pesky photographer spotted Richie Rich strolling in Beverly Hills this week and stuck his lens in his face, quick thinking Macca swatted him away using his Ireland 1798 cap... Be gone I tells ye.
Macaulay Culkin |
With St Patricks Day fast a looming, all American's will be reprising their Irishness and hitting the streets dressed in green hats, red wigs and no doubt hiding potatoes down their pants. Just go easy on the Paps lads, they're Irish too. Sorta.