Paddy Kielty - The Beggar Dodger...
Wee shiny faced Irish 'comedian' Patrick Kielty was spotted out for dinner recently with actual funny guy David Walliams. But after lavishing himself on expensive posh-nosh, aul Paddy apparently had no pieces-of-alms for a needy beggar. Should have told him one of your jokes Pat - that would have scared him off...
Patrick Kielty, David Walliams |
We're very fond of Patrick Kielty here at the ShowBusiness of Irelandness. He just doesn't like us very much. No cards, no letters - he never writes. Yet we turn a blind eye to the fact that he hasn't been funny since his jokes were relevant, oh, about a decade ago. We ignore the fact that he's not the best looking fella – he’s no Colin Farrell... Basically we just ignore him. It's better that way folks.
Patrick Kielty, David Walliams |
But when Patrick 'The Troubles' Kielty passes by a down-and-out aul fella, as these pix suggest, and refuses him a few bob from his trillions, zillions, nay jillions of English pounds, we take offense. Come on Pat, spread the love. We’ve put up with you for years, surely you can put up with a lone beggar long enough to put your hand in your pocket?
Patrick Kielty, David Walliams |
Prior to this inconvenient botheration Sir Patrick of Kielty was out for a munch with David Walliams at Nobu in London. We reckon Walliams had dinner with Paddy to get the inspiration for his enduring swim to Africa. Let's face it; most people would want to throw themselves into the sea after a few hours alone with Kielty. Boom! Boom! No, seriously, we like you Paddy, actually we love you. Really.