Townsend Berates Bono on Tara...
It seems there is more than one person from this country jaded with Bono's campaigning for popular global causes with accompanying back-slaps from politicians, when causes closer to home get no support from the U2 star. This weekend Stuart Townsend waxed lyrical at Sir Bono on his apparent apathy regarding the destruction of the Hill of Tara...
Stuart Townsend, Charlize Theron |
Sometimes you wish Bono would just shut-up talking about his charity campaigns and just bloody sing the song. Other times, you wish he would use his influence and fame to highlight other matters of concern in the world and, Ireland too... Is it right that he is George Bush's best mate when it comes to debt relief in Africa, yet he steers clear on anti Iraq war sentiment so as not to slaughter his US cash cow? You scratch my back Bono...
Stuart Townsend, Charlize Theron |
At the weekend Irish actor Stuart Townsend brought Bono to bare on his lack of involvement with the campaign to save the Hill of Tara and the historical goldmine which is the Skryne Valley, as government sanctioned road builders tear the place apart. The Howth actor accused the U2 singer of being too involved with Africa to care about what's happening in Ireland: "I don't know why Bono hasn't gotten involved so far. Maybe it's because his focus is on Africa and heritage isn't his thing?"
Stuart Townsend, Charlize Theron |
Either way, the clock is only minutes away from midnight in relation to the mutilation of one of the world's most ancient and rich heritage sites. Bono and anyone else with a voice need to help halt the motorway madness before Tara is gone forever. Imagine meandering a modern multi-lane motorway between the Great Pyramids in Egypt or planting a helipad in the centre of Stonehenge? The Ard Ri is shaking his head.
Stuart Townsend, Charlize Theron |
We spotted Stuart with his Oscar winning girlfriend Actress Charlize Theron sight-seeing in Paris at the weekend. With The Ritz as their base they visited the Gallery of the Evolution and the Garden of Plants and St Suplice Church... Ah, romance in the city of romance.