Mark's Gone Sappy on Saffy...
Finally. There's a very special woman in the west-life of gay pop icon Mark Feehily. Except... She walks on all-fours, could do with 6 or 7 face-lifts, tends to drool, and don't even get us started on waxing. Meet Saffy...
Kevin McDaid, Saffy, Mark Feehily |
It's all gone very broody over at camp Westlife - the most fertile band in the Northern Hemisphere. Fact. The Sligo and Dublin lads are knocking out new born babies to beat-the-band. So many that we can't keep up - we reckon they have enough kids now to fill a full soccer team, with subs.
Kevin McDaid, Saffy, Mark Feehily |
With all the nappies, bottles, prams, and other infant paraphernalia flying about, it was only a matter of time before Mark Feehily and his life partner Kevin McDaid (collectively we're called them 'Marvin') got all paternal too. But instead of going all 'Brangelina' on us with numerous multi-national adoptions they have instead opted to purchase a Pug. Bravo boys.
Mark Feehily |
And the little lady in question is called Saffy McDaid Feehily. We spotted Marco and Kev taking their little bundle of joy out for walkies in Leeds this week where, the entire band is holed up in the Quebec Hotel. Altogether: Ahhhhhhhhh... Anyone up for a Doggie Date?