More Westlife Doggie Dates...
It is uncommon knowledge that the competitive Westlife boys are regular visitors to ShowBiz Ireland... But come on - no sooner had we posted photos of Mark Feehily with his cute little dog Saffy, that Kian Egan appeared with his fluffy puppy Prince. Lads, this isn't Crufts you know?
Kian Egan, Prince |
The Westlifers were based in sunny Leeds this week and the only action happening outside their hotel was all canine based. With Kian and Mark the proud fathers of two furry friends, it was a case of walkies every few hours so the pooches could do their business.
Kian Egan, Prince |
It would seem to us that their respective relationship dynamics were on show with Mark's fella Kevin McDaid doing all the lead work, while Kian was the one to do all the walking while his fiance Jodi Albert was nowhere to be seen....
Kevin McDaid, Saffy |
Next time we want, nay demand, that Kian & Kev get a break from pooch exercise duties. Both Jodi and Mark need to get out onto the streets of Leeds and walk Saffy and Prince. What if the two doggies start dating, can we collectively call them "Priffy"?