Cheesy Celebrity Hitch Hiker Award: Glenda Gilson...
We're sorta in strange territory with our infamous 'Celebrity Hitch Hiker' awards, as they've become a badge of honour to those cheeky media types who know what we're up to... Media savvy Glenda Gilson knew exactly what she was at when she struck this ultra cheesy pose with Emmerdale's Adele Silva for our snapper the other night. Gilson you ruiner!
Adele Silva, Glenda Gilson |
It's not fair. We invented the C.H.H. awards to poke fun at people in the media who pose with celebs in order to get their faces in the papers. We thought they'd be embarrassed, shamed, shunned from society, and mocked to within an inch of their lives. But we were oh so wrong; they actually WANT our backfiring accolade. It's not a bleedin' Oscar! Feckers.
Adele Silva, Glenda Gilson |
And on winning an unprecedented 2nd C.H.H. award, Glenda 'I'd like to thank my agent' Gilson laughed in our general direction as if to say: "I've been in this industry too damn long to be upstaged by you paparazzi messers"... She even stuck-out her thumb in typical Hitch-Hiker style to jeer us!!! Well, you beat us this time Gilson, but this is merely round one. We're going nowhere. We're biding GG... BIIIIDING!
Michele McGrath, Glenda Gilson, Pippa O'Connor, Sara Kavanagh |
Glenda and Adele Silva were at the Miss Universe Ireland contest last night with models: Michele McGrath, Pippa O'Connor and Sara Kavanagh. Word on the street is Pippa's real name is actually 'Phillipa'... Taking that on board is Michele's real name 'Michelle' and is Sara's real name 'Sarah'?? Only time and some really bad investigative reporting can solve these and other model related mysteries avid readers...