A Late Night for the Bertie Trio...
Friday night saw the arrival of soccer pundit Eamon Dunphy, Senator Eoghan Harris and journalist John Waters at The Late Late Show's RTE studios. Bertie Ahern's political future and shady financial past went on trial, so who better than these 3 lads to sort it out...
Eamon Dunphy |
It seems that whenever there's a major crisis in Irish society the bould Eamon Dunphy is either a) the cause of the problem or b) the firebrand in the center of the pertinent issue, fuelling the flames... Kean-ooo, Kean-ooo.
Senator Eoghan Harris |
Somehow, and we're not sure how, an ex footballer has become one of the commentators our media have turned to for the real insight into the Mahon Tribunal and the mystery surrounding the Taoiseach Bertie Ahern's mysterious finances back in the 90s. Why? Well, he's controversial and entertaining - who cares if his only real skill is talking about kicking a round ball around a field. This is Ireland; we don't bother with intellectual debate based on academic study and endeavor. The person who shouts loudest and throws the biggest tantrum, wins.
John Waters |
With Eamon on one side, we had Senator Eoghan Harris on the other and John Waters in the middle. Yes, having once dated Sinead O'Connor and with numerous attempts to win Eurovison, Waters was the perfect man to keep the argument impartial... Let's face it, The Late Late producers would have achieved as much if they had of brought on Zig & Zag and Bosco to discuss these important issues. Right to comment? Fame seekers need only apply.