Claudine's Keane To Celebrate...
Her model mates haven't seen her adorning the plush couches of Krystle Nightclub for a while as Dubliner Claudine Palmer has been off in the UK building a marriage to Robbie Keane and making babies... The Premier couple celebrated the blonde's 26th birthday in London this week...
Claudine Palmer |
Wearing a pirate's neck scarf and carrying a 26th birthday card, Dublin model Claudine Palmer rounded off a day of shopping madness at Harrods, Harvey Nichols & Roberto Cavalli - with a slap-up meal at Cipriani restaurant in London this week...
Claudine Palmer, Robbie Keane |
With her Premiership footballer hubbie Robbie Keane in tow, Claudine looked glowing as she left the up-market eatery, still showing no visible signs of a baby-bump despite revealing to Hello! Magazine they were "counting down the days until the birth".
Robbie Keane |
Wearing white trainers poor aul Robbie looked a little less bright and glamorous than his super attractive spouse... No doubt his credit card got a severe pounding during his wife's shopping spree earlier in the day. Ah don’t sweat it, he can afford it.
Claudine Palmer, Robbie Keane |
Happy Birthday Claudine and congrats to both of you on the news that the Stork will be visiting your Premiership palace later this year...