St Rosanna's Shamrock Shakes...
Snakes alive! Who needs boring old St Patrick when we've got sexy saucepot Rosanna Davison? We spotted the former Miss World stunner strolling through Temple Bar yesterday wearing a rather patriotic green Guinness t-shirt with two strategically placed shamrocks keeping all onlookers abreast of her Irishness. Although, the weather must have been kinda nippy...
Rosanna Davison |
When it comes to Ireland's patron saint, the whole St Patrick thing is getting a little tired and out-dated folks. We reckon this country needs a new international icon and who better than blonde-one-day-brunette-the-next model Rosanna Davison? Sure she scares the snakes out of us!
Rosanna Davison |
We spotted the svelte sex bomb strolling by the Temple Bar ‘Wall of Fame’ (what, no Christy?) yesterday wearing skinny jeans, a man's strappy watch, over-sized sunglasses, and a cheeky green t-shirt which really emphasized her now infamous "optical illusions" with two suggestively placed shamrocks...
Rosanna Davison |
Considering the number of tourist heads that the Assets gal turned while taking a walk through Dublin's cultural quarter, we reckon our Rosie should be made the new patron saint of Ireland. Sure she's already the patron saint of cheesy press photocalls - getting the St Paddy's Day nixer would be a total doddle for her. Wave, smile, shake-the-shamrock. Job done.
Rosanna Davison |
It was great to see a dressed-down jeans & t-shirt clad Miss Davison roughing-it in the Temple Bar sunshine yesterday, with barely a lick of make-up on or even the customary Debs dress – will wonders ever cease? Still, it's hard to get past how developed she's got up-top. Apparently it's all down to a good aul padded bra and a few chicken fillets thrown in for good measure. Annnnd there we were thinking she was a vegetarian.
Rosanna Davison |
Now matter where you are in the world today, we’d like to wish you all a Happy St Rosanna's Day!