Louise Whipped Burlesque Style...
Holy leather corsets Batman! It was all go down at The Sugar Club last night with horny hosiery, flirty fishnets and walloping whips at every turn! Model Louise Kavanagh left her poor fella Andy Quirke at home and had a spanking good time at the launch of The Dublin Burlesque Ball...
Louise Kavanagh, Caroline Kerrigan |
The first Dublin Burlesque Ball of 2009 will take place at the Sugar Club on Saturday March 28th. And if feather headdresses and frilly knickerbockers are your thing then get your glad rags on, lash on the aul rouge, and make sure you don't miss out. Fun and frolics will be had...
Louise Kavanagh |
Burlesque stylee is the new black folks even though the self proclaimed fashionistas over at Xpose haven't yet endorsed the fashion movement. Getting strapped in and whooshed-up is the latest titillating trend on the dance floor. And we're only lovin' it!
Hazel O'Sullivan |
Assets model Louise Kavanagh seems to be leading the way when it comes to Burlesque chic. Hopefully the rest of her tangoed compatriots will finally step-away from the fake-bake and the tacky Debs dresses and adopt the Toulouse-Lautrec-esque garbs and go high-kicking it into Krystle as if it was the Moulin Rouge back in the day. But can they Can-Can?
Hazel O'Sullivan |
Our Louise was joined by models Hazel O'Sullivan, Joanne Fitzpatrick and Lisa Maher at The Sugar Club launch last night. Only, poor Hazel was struggling with her uplifting corset – her darn left boob just kept accidentally popping out... Don't you just hate when that happens?
Louise Kavanagh, Melissa Nelson |
Costumes on the night were supplied by 'Honeytrap' naughty minxes Melissa Nelson and Caroline Kerrigan... We highly recommend you get your arses out to their wee shop in Dun Laoghaire if you're planning an outfit for the Burlesque Ball. Tell them we sent ya...
Michelle McDermot, Hazel O'Sullivan, Melissa Nelson, Caroline Kerrigan, Joanne Fitzpatrick, Lisa Maher, Louise Kavanagh |
Entertainment at the Ball will feature international Burlesque stars Chrys Columbine (UK), Trixie Minx (USA), Rodrigo Dias (Brazil) and Marianne Elias (Brazil). Irish talents Kristen Kapelli & Bijou Hunter, with houseband the swinging Bluecats and DJ Karl X Byrne, will also feature...
Burlesque Performer |
Annnd whatever you do - don't forget your metal knickers and Angle Grinder!
Louise Kavanagh, Hazel O'Sullivan, Joanne Fitzpatrick, Lisa Maher |