Caprice's Capricious VPL...
Last week's Meteor Music Awards really were a tough choir for our over-worked and under-nourished snappers. Too many celebs for their tiny neanderthal-esque brains to manage and process... That was until uber hot US model Caprice showed-up revealing a thin tan line where her knickers used to be. Aye aye boys, we're up...
Caprice Bourret |
Big ceremonies like The Meteor Awards 2009 are huge task for us here at Too many mediocre mundane celebs lining-up one-after-another to get their photos taken on the orange carpet, and not very much else happening... Well, that was until Caprice Bourret came along.
Caprice Bourret |
Wearing a revealingly cut Scott Henshall dress, shrewd Caprice upstaged the rest of the stars on-show by leaving a risqué VPL (visible panty line) where her designer gown's naked panels intersected her taut hip and bum cheek areas. Holy crap, our poor feeble sexually inadequate snappers nearly dropped their darn lenses!
Scott Henshall |
Of course, our innocent little Caprice would declare she had no idea her VPL would be revealed when she got her spray tan strategically applied earlier in the day, but we reckon nothing gets past an old pro model like Miss Bourret. She sure knows how to work the paps and get the press. No flies (or much else) on her.
Glenda Gilson, Lorraine Keane |
Apart from Caprice's capricious choice of gown, female fashions were a mixed bag at The Meteors... Our lovely ladies were a tad undecided as whether this was a formal or semi-formal or casual event, so there were still a few of the dreaded Debs dresses knocking about...
Sinead Noonan |
But seeing as it was a bohemian music awards ceremony and not the bloody VIP (lack of) Style Awards, many of the girlies on show ditched the gargantuan gowns and omnipresent stylist, and opted for the WAG-tastic look instead... Branded bags and shoes baby!
Jane Given, Julie Hannah |
But seriously folks - there were far too many ladies and gentlemen, bands and groups, solos and stand alones, at the awards to mention. We'd be here all bleedin' day and night writing about who won and lost in the style stakes...
Amy Huberman |
All we really wanted to do was post up a few pix of Caprice's VPL so you, the conscientious reader, could perv over them like our knuckle dragging snappers did... Here to provide a service people.
Imelda May |
And as we're running out of things to prattle on about, we will merely post a selection of photos illustrating the usual and unusual suspects lining-up to be snapped at The Meteors... We will leave it to your good discerning selves to comment in the box provided below, as you do...
Gabriella Climi |
We're sure your opinions will be insightful and introspective, as you delve into your own psyche and remonstrate on both the positive and negative aspects of the pieces of fashioned cloth worn by the ladies at The Meteor Awards in a fair and just manner...
Virginia Macari, Tara O'Leary |
We expect nothing less than unhindered articulate impartiality and concise fairness as you, the reader, ponder and pontificate over the style choices at this glamorous event.
Devon Murray, Aoife McCourt |
Or yis can just slag the shite out of all these bleedin' muppets as yis usually do... Your choice. No Pressure.
Caroline Morahan |
Jasmine Guinness |
Amanda Byram |
Gerry Ryan, daughters Lottie & Bonnie Ryan & Fabio |
Michele McGrath & Industry |
Shane Filan, Gillian Filan |
Michelle Heaton |
Yvonne Keating, Ronan Keating |
Wallis Bird |