Is The Glenda With The Kershaw?
With all the Glenda & Rosanna & Johnny Ronan madness going on over the past few weeks in de meeja, the epic story has finally gone very quiet of late what with all parties concerned limping away from the front-pager a little worse for wear. Until now that is - for we spotted Glenda Gilson on the arm of former A1 Team Ireland boss Mark Kershaw on St Patrick's Eve. Altogether: Ooooooooo...
Mark Kershaw, Glenda Gilson |
It seemed like a tale of secret love followed by very public loss between Glenda Gilson and Johnny Ronan folks. Let's just say that the breakup, well, 'twere a rather messy affair and then when a certain former Miss World stepped into the fray - it went from a storm in a teacup to a National scandal... And then some.
Mark Kershaw, Glenda Gilson |
But with no head-to-head between The Glenda and Rosie Dee at the VIPee Stylee Awards, things eventually died-down and other various things filled our front pages. But all during the big bust-up our Glenda was supported by long-term buddy and man about town Mark Kershaw, whom many of you might remember as the former A1 Team Ireland boss... If you don't? Well, it was something to do with the whole F1 motor sport thingy, except not as big. Fast cars, etc...
Glenda Gilson |
Anyroad, we spotted The Glenda hitting Lillies Bordello on Mr. Kershaw's arm this week on the eve of St Patrick's Day... Now, we're not saying these two are an item or anything, in fact, it was probably just an innocent night-out between friends... OR, maybe the Xpose queen has finally moved-on from her billionaire property developer fella? Either way, we're just sooo happy the whole thing has died down and our National papers can get back to more vital stories about our failing economy, gangland murders, and paedophile priests... Wait there... Doh!