Tess Tells Almost All To Tubridy...
Late Late Show host Ryan Tubridy won the chatshow lottery at the weekend when he landed Vernon Kay's book promoting wife, Tess Daly, as a guest. But we felt as though it was an opportunity lost folks - instead of pushing the issue hard on her hubbie's very public text scandal, Tubs went with his usual bezzie-buddies approach half-retracting half-apologising for the personal nature of his questions. Huh? Come on Ryan, that's not what we pay you for...
Tess Daly |
We're starting to lose confidence in Ryan Tubridy as the captain of The Late Late Show ship folks. Granted, he's a big improvement on Pat Kenny's wooden style but it's almost as if he's apologetic for his role as a person in the position where he must ask his famous guests personal questions. The man is in journalistic denial. And then some. Oh, and can he get through a show without referring to how skinny he is? Booooring.
Craig David |
Sorry Ryan, it's your job to probe celebrities and if you don't like it jump-ship and let someone with the balls to ask the questions WE, the license payer, want to hear. As the show goes on we're starting to see Tubridy's interview style evolve and it's kinda lacking, sure he'll ask politicians tough questions but when it comes to famous folk, our Ryan falls all over them like a wide-eyed fan looking for an autograph. Oh, and STOP giving celebrities sweets and chocolates like they are 5-year-olds dude, it skin crawlingly cringe central. Jeez!
Cillian Murphy |
If it's a case that Tubs doesn't feel comfortable asking celebrities the questions we all want to hear then he shouldn't have them on his publicly funded show promoting their damn books, CDs, movies, and concerts... If they get the free PR Mr. Tubridy then they have to pay the piper. Ask the fricken question... And STOP acting all apologetic. It's creepy!
Brendan Gleeson |
TV presenter Tess Daly was on The Late Late Show at the weekend and although Tubbers eventually brought-up the Vernon Kay text scandal it was done in such a spineless and tepid way that it just felt weak folks, and it seemed as if she WANTED to get it all off her chest! Like, he gets the dream guest every interviewer in the UK and Ireland wants, and at one stage he even stopped himself from asking a personal question and even tried to retract it... WTF? If Tess Daly wants publicity for her book 'The Baby Diaries' then you get to ask her what the hell you want Ryan. Uncomfortable with that? Then jog-on sonny Jim.
Tess Daly |
Other guests on The Pally Pally Show were Craig David, Cillian Murphy, and Brendan Gleeson... At the end of the show they all gathered in a circle, held hands, and sang Kum Bay Ya... Weak.