Bucks Babes Hit Krystle...
For a minute there last week we thought Buck Whaleys' three front door pin-ups Hayley Ryan, Michele McGrath, and Leah O'Reilly had jumped-ship and gone over to the competition. Turns-out Dublin's hottest hostesses were at Krystle to party with The Saturdays...
Hayley Ryan, Michele McGrath, Leah O'Reilly |
Buck Whaleys' three model hostesses were sleeping with the enemy last week folks. Yup. Hayley, Michele, and Leah were over checking out the competition at Krystle but it wasn't spy mission or anything sinister like that. They were merely there to party with the UK's biggest girlband.
Una Healy |
The Saturdays were at Krystle last Wednesday night to celebrate the end of their epic UK and Ireland tour. Headed up by our very own Una Healy the five piece hit the VIP Suite at midnight and poured back out the doors just after three.
Frankie Sandford |
Una got down at the Dublin hotspot with bandmates Mollie King, Rochelle Wiseman, Vanessa White, and Frankie Sandford. And by the looks of things a few Sherries were definitely had...
Vanessa White |
And no don’t fret, the Bucks Babes haven't migrated over to Krystle folks. They will still be at the Leeson Street venue each weekend. Wearing new sexy uniforms too we hear.
Rochelle Wiseman |
Mollie King |
Una Healy |
Vanessa White |
Amanda Brunker |