Bieber & Willow Take The O2...
Finally. After days of intense crying, screaming, and hyperventilating Justin Bieber took to the stage at The O2 and all was right with the world. But enough about our snappers... The teen super idol, supported by Will Smith's daughter Willow, delivered a great performance almost audible over the insanely high-pitched screams...
Justin Bieber |
This time last year we hadn't even heard of Justin Bieber. Hell, after days of standing outside numerous hotels surrounded by overly emotional and excitable teenage girls, we still can’t hum one of his tunes. Yet folks, he's the hottest thing on the planet... At this moment.
Justin Bieber |
Last night The Bieber took to the stage and the whole O2 arena went insane. And we mean TOTALLY insane. In fact, over the past few days if someone even looked remotely like Justin he got pounced on and screamed at by hundreds of girls that, quite frankly, shudda been in school anyway (we just got all parental there).
Justin Bieber |
With so many Red Herrings as to his actual location, Red Herrings are now being called Red Biebers. Yup. Wee Justin was everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Like the Holy Ghost. Omnipresent...
Justin Bieber |
He's still here for a few days so this madness isn't over for us just yet, so set eardrums to burst. At least his support act Willow Smith isn't so elusive. She's staying at a city centre hotel with her Dad Will Smith and brother Jaden Smith. And popping her head out for pics with fans every now and again. Much more civilised.
Justin Bieber |
So there you have it folks. You've been Biebered, as have we... We weren't around for Beatlemania, but we're sure it wasn't this manic... Even the Garda are afraid of the Beliebers. And rightly so. They really are that scary.
Justin Bieber |
Justin Bieber |
Willow Smith |
Willow Smith |
Willow Smith |
Justin Bieber |
Willow Smith |