Cici's Hot In The Kitchen...
The economy, unemployment, and house prices have reverted back over a decade so why not everything else including the Dublin club scene? Well, the naughty Nineties came back to life last night when U2's club 'The Kitchen' relaunched in The Clarence Hotel...
Cici Cavanagh |
Before the likes of Krystle, Bucks, Pink, and Residence there was The Kitchen. Yup. Way-back-when the U2 boys, well Bono & The Edge inanyways, opened their super celeb club in the heart of Temple Bar under their uber plush Clarence Hotel. And for a time there it eclipsed everything before or since.
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Norman Hewson (Bono's brother) |
Alas, the once super trendy place to be fell-out with the in-crowd and eventually closed its doors. But for the life of us, we can't recall just when... Although it has to be said, some of the best nights to be had in the late Nineties were had in The Kitchen. Ahhh nostalgia.
Libby Ryan |
Well folks, the glory days may be about to return to the Dublin club scene as the U2 owned hotspot reopened its hallowed doors on St Patrick's Eve last night with a wee party for invited VIPs.
Gavin Friday, Domino Whisker |
None of the U2ers were present but Bono's big brother Norman Hewson and Bono's best mate Gavin Friday showed-up to help get proceedings underway. As did Dublin's top party gal & Fade Street star Cici Cavanagh... What would a party be without our Cici?
Niamh Hogan, Dervla Hogan |
Other guests there included: Paula Cullen, Niamh Hogan, Dervla Hogan, Domino Whisker, Paul Smith, Libby Ryan, Jade Morris, Joy Hawkridge, Love Hawkridge, Claudine King, Claire Malone, Lynn McDonagh, Elaine Stenson, Edele O'Connor, Angel Birt, Ciara O'Connor, Lauren Fitzpatrick, Patrick Whisker, Mariad Whisker, Aisling Abbey, and many a more...
Paula Cullen |
So there you have it folks, everything has gone back to the way it was before the darn Celtic Tiger... Wonder will The System & The Chocolate Bar make a comeback any time soon?
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Paul Smith (manager) |
Jade Morris |
Joy Hawkridge, Libby Ryan, Love Hawkridge, Claudine King |
Claire Malone, Lynn McDonagh |
Elaine Stenson |
Lauren Fitzpatrick |
Edele O'Connor, Angel Birt, Ciara O'Connor |
Aisling Abbey |
Patrick Whisker, Mariad Whisker |
Angel Birt |