Amy & BOD Press Rewind...
We all know Amy Huberman as Ireland's sweetheart; the girl next door; little miss perfect goody-two-shoes. Turns out folks she has a past. A rather dark and criminal past. Yup. We knew it was all too good to be true...
Brian O'Driscoll, Amy Huberman |
There's no doubt Amy Huberman is Ireland's answer to Princess Diana or maybe even Mother Theresa. Like, it's only a matter of time before Elton John writes a song about her... We bet she got straight As in Primary school and always got the leading lady role in the Christmas plays... She's that type.
Amy Huberman |
But folks, all is not as it seems... Recently a dodgy ex-bloke showed-up on the scene and threatened to expose her murky past to the world... Tut tut... It's always the quiet ones you have to watch... In fairness, we always suspected.
Tara Leniston, Andrew Fowler |
But before you smash up your Amy & BOD Commemorative Wedding plates and mugs, read on... This is in fact the plot line of Amy's latest movie called 'Rewind' which sees our wee Amers getting away from her standard light comedy roles and over to the dark side... She even dyed her hair.
Tara Leniston |
The low budget movie Premiered at the Dundrum cinema this week with a rather fashionably dressed Brian O'Driscoll along for support. He even smiled at our snappers once or twice... Pigs will fly.
Michael Sharpe, Brian O'Driscoll |
Other peeps of note we spotted on the night included Michael Sharpe with a scabby knee, glammy mammy Tara Leniston and her fella Andrew Fowler, restaurateur Nick Munier and his missus Denise...
Amy Huberman with Barry McCall Book |
So there you have it folks, Amy Huberman's got a new movie out and the reviews in are all good in the hood. Not sure if it will go on general release but if you happen to spot it on in your local Cineplex, be sure to give it a go... Support Irish cinema.
Nick Munier with wife Denise Munier |
We're just wondering if our Hubbers will ever go in the full nuddie on the big screen? Now that would be a box office smash... Darn, we just perv'ed Amy Huberman. Sorry Bri, kinda just slipped out.
Brian O'Driscoll, Amy Huberman |