Tommy's Got Sole Baby...
First there was Brunker's big comfy sofas, then there was that tattooed GAA lad's fashion bible, now we have Tommy Bowe's range of men's fashionable shoes. Is it just us or is there a direct link developing between being in the public eye and an innate skill for contemporary design? We shall investigate...
Tommy Bowe |
This week saw Irish rugby pin-up Tommy Bowe launch his range of 15 shoe designs for men by Lloyd & Pryce at Residence club on The Green. Yup. Our Tommo has his finger on the pulse of what your discerning man about town wants to wear on his feet. To be sure.
Jamie Heaslip, Brian O'Driscoll |
Like, maybe we were out that day at Cost Plus Sofas or something, but we totally missed the press release explaining the link between a rugby player and men's shoes. We're not saying it's cobblers or anything folks, we just don't get the connection between the two usually unconnected things. Confused.
Cian Healy, Jamie Heaslip, Brian O'Driscoll |
What next from the Irish Rugby boys... Heaslip's Hoodies? O'Driscoll's Drapes? Healy's Heelys? We just don't know folks... But after our lads battered the shite outta the Engerlish last weekend we'll pretty much buy anything they're selling... Keep up the shallackings!
Michele McGrath |
Other than Tommy Bowe and a few rather reluctant to pose players - namely Cian Healy, Jamie Heaslip, Brian O'Driscoll - we had unreluctant to pose models at the launch party. We are of course talking about the faaabulous Michele McGrath and Jenny Lee Masterson.
Jenny Lee Masterson |
So there you have it folks. Go out and do your national duty and purchase a pair of Tommy's shoes... Right. We're off to design a range of naughty underwear for geriatric ladies suffering from incontinence. We're calling them Lingeratrics. All the Xpose gals will be raving about them. You'll see.
Tommy Bowe |