It's Project Tallafornication...
The Irish premiere for Project X went down at Cineworld last week folks with the carazy cast of Tallafornia in full affect. Ironic then that the movie revolves around a few kids that cause absolute mayhem with a free-gaff whereas the Tallaght bunch only managed a dull night of Twister & Pictionary at their party pad. Welcome to Irish light entertainment 2012...
Natalie Geraghty, Nikita Murray, Kelly Donegan |
We managed to catch an episode of Tallafornia there recently and now we're wondering what all the hype is about. Highlights from that episode were a night out at an empty night club, the lads went grocery shopping and bought Angel Delight, the girls went to a beauty salon, and it all culminated with a night-in playing Twister... Wow! Totally mad.
David Behan, Kelly Donegan |
In fact, we're quite impressed. How did they manage to fill an entire episode when nothing of note actually happened. And what's with the editing? Guys filmed buying Angel Delight, cut to guys saying they bought Angel Delight. Girls filmed getting hairs done, cut to girls saying they got their hairs done... Dude! We know what just happened on screen, we saw it - what's with the annoying cut-aways of cast members retelling what we just bloody saw? Seriously, it's more retarded than all of the Tweets of all the Irish photocall girls combined.
Philip Penny, Nikita Murray |
Apart from dumbing-down already really dumbed-down to death television, at least the Tallafornia bunch came out for the Project X premiere at Cineworld last week. Otherwise we'd have been mainly snapping a movie poster backdrop with no one standing in front of it... Oh the joys.
Jay Abbey, Natalie Geraghty |
Those at the Prem included: Jay Abbey, Natalie Geraghty, Cormac Branagan, Nikita Murray, David Behan, Kelly Donegan, Katie Van Buren, Stephen Byrne, Ashling O'Connor, Norman Pratt, Mo Ryan, Sean Munsanje, Ciara Le Froy, and more...
Katie Van Buren, Stephen Byrne |
So there you have it folks, Project X should be in your local cineplexatorium now and Tallafornia should be on a small screen somewhere... Check it out, even if it's just for curiosity sake, but expect to hate yourself and your culture right after... Wonder will this lot be as forgettable as the Fade Streeters?
Ashling O'Connor |
Norman Pratt, Mo Ryan |
Sean Munsanje, Ciara Le Froy |
Jay Abbey, Natalie Geraghty, Cormac Branagan, Nikita Murray, David Behan, Kelly Donegan |