They're Calling Them Colly...
We don't know what's attracting former Miss Irelands to the rugby playing male of late, but the rough around the edges lads seem to be going down well with the lovely Misseses. The latest perfect pairing consists of Cian Healy and Holly Carpenter - they're calling them Colly...
Cian Healy & Holly Carpenter |
Out on our travels yesterday we happened across Irish rugby player Cian Healy and his new Miss Ireland girlfriend Holly Carpenter as they sauntered down South William Street supping on coffees. True to form, the newo duo seemed in no mood to stop and pose for ickle old Ah, where are the Aoife Cogans & Gordon Darcys of this world when you need them?
Cian Healy & Holly Carpenter |
Yup. Colly are the latest in a long line of models and Miss Irelands scrumming for our rugged Rugby playing blokes... Maybe our Holl's into Cian’s Colly-flower-ears!! See what we did there? Genius.
Cian Healy & Holly Carpenter |
So there you have it folks, it's official... Cian Healy and Holly Carpenter are a bona fide couple... Haven't you noticed that it's only when new couples appear on that their celebrity status is only truly cemented? Then the blasted curse of VIP Magazine mucks it up for everyone...