The Divil Wears Peach...
It's just dawned on us that it has been an age, perhaps even an age and a half, since we last had Rosanna Davison on the front of Ah sure, seeing as it's Paddy's weekend we thought we'd push her to the fore just because she wore traditional Irish pastel peach at The Devil Inside Premiere last night...
Rosanna Davison |
Almost St Patrick's Day folks - making wee thirteen fricken years old! Yup. We are now a teenager so expect this here site to break out in spots and start growing hair in places where there was no hair before... We're young for a human person but beyond prehistoric in website terms. Like, we can remember when animated GIFs were cutting edge. If yer dial-up could download them of course.
Hayley Rock, Rosanna Davison |
Annyways, seeing as it wasn't too long into our baby steps years when Rosanna Davison won Miss World in 2003 and began adorning these pages on a weekly basis, it's kinda apt that we're still snapping her ten years on since her big break... Peachy! Aint she?
Gail Kaneswaren |
Our Rosie was out with her bezzie Hayley Rock at the Premiere of 'The Devil Inside' at Cineworld last night. We reckon she'll be doing the rounds for the foreseeable weeks what with her vegan special of Celebrity Come Dine With Me hitting our screens right soon on TV3... Note to all vegans: little living microbes swim around in the water you drink... You bloody monsters!
Ryan Davis & Kirsty Squires |
Other guests taking in the horror last night (can vegans watch horror?) included: Ryan Davis & Kirsty Squires, Brian Keeley, Declan Leavy, Gail Kaneswaren, Paul Byrne & wife Siobhan Byrne, George McMahon, Nicola McCarthy, Carl Shabaan & Audrey Hamilton, Brian Ormond, Neil McCarthy, Rebecca O'Connor, Megan Connolly, Diana Bunici, and many more...
Brian Keeley, Declan Leavy |
So there you have it folks, ShowBiz,ie is in the terrible teens and vegans can watch horror movies. But only the exorcism kind... Not the blood and gore stuff - it makes crave human flesh... Even more.
Paul Byrne & wife Siobhan Byrne |
George McMahon, Nicola McCarthy |
Carl Shabaan & Audrey Hamilton |
Brian Ormond, Neil McCarthy |
Rebecca O'Connor, Megan Connolly |
Diana Bunici |