Our Lou Lookin' For Love...
As unlikely as it sounds folks, apparently our fav model-come-DJ Louise Kavanagh can't find herself a full-time fella in Dublin and we hear she's on an iPhone dating App finding a man. We caught up with her good self & her Smartphone at Madison nightclub last weekend where there wuz loadsa eligible lads for the choosing...
Louise Kavanagh |
We finally got ourselves down to Madison last weekend folks to see what all the hype was about. Sure, we've been hitting that Wicklow Street hot spot since it was Rasher Geraghty's back in the day. Since then it's been AKA and Wilde and maybe a few other iterations we can't recall.
Christina Mahon, Conor Buckley |
But under the expert guidance of former Krystle manager Conor Buckley, it seems like Madison is gonna be a stalwart on 'the scene' for many a year to come... Saying that, we still really miss Rashers... Ah, the Nineties. The decade before we f**ked it up.
Lisa Cannon |
Anyhoo. We caught up with the likes of Louise Kavanagh, Lisa Cannon and many more at Madison last weekend. Great spot, check it out... Sadly, we don't think our lovely Lou managed to pull a new fella on her night out... Non-virtual men of Dublin, up your game. We need to see Louise Kavanagh in a Wedding dress before the year is out. We've even bought a hat.
Ursula Hynes, Greg Pollard |
Sofia Elorza |
Sofia Elorza, Olga Monic Poll, Lena Megan |
Dominika Kowalska |
Vanessa Froto |
Victoria Imp, Joseph Doyle |
David Knight, Nicky Kenny |
Louise Kavanagh, David Laird |