Time To Get Your VIP On...
It's only a mere month away from the Peter Mark VIP Style Awards 2013 folks, and all of the favourites are already out being uber stylish on a daily basis, looking to scoop-up one of those coveted prizes. Yesterday we went for a slap-up breakfast with some of the top style contenders on South William Street where ner a greasy spoon fry-up was consumed by anyone...
Rosanna Davison |
It's been a mighty quiet few weeks on the ShowBiz front with all the crazy cold weather spells and slow bank holidays every other weekend. Just get us past Easter and we'll be back up to steam... Thankfully, all that mundanely is about to end as we enter award season 2013. Yup. It's nearly VIP time.
Kathryn Thomas |
Yesterday the likes of Rosanna Davison and Kathryn Thomas gathered with new and old faces from the VIPs at The Style Club on South William Street for brekkie. And the big announcement was this year's event will take place on Friday 26th of April at The Marker Hotel... New location! Logistics. Logistics.
Maire Hughes |
So there you have it folks, just a quick mention that the VIPs are rolling around once again and all things are right with the world. We just hope Katie Price makes a big return this year. It's just not as classy without her.
Lisa Cannon |
Michael O'Doherty |
Sinead Kennedy |
Brendan Courtney |
Lisa Fitzpatrick |
Lynn Kelly |
Michelle Breen |
Darren Kennedy |
Kathryn Thomas, Gary Kavanagh |
Alison Canavan |
Karen Koster |
Rosanna Davison |