Shayne Goes A Thumbing for Westlife...
Velvet voiced ex-X Factor winner Shayne Ward is going roughing-it this summer. Yes. The primped pin-up is packing the Bovril and a few tins of Spam, and hitchhiking across Ireland to support his pals Westlife when they play Galway. Thumbs-up, Shayno...
Shayne Ward |
While you lot were out there sunning yourselves yesterday, sipping iced lattes outside street side cafes and bars, us lads here at ShowBiz Ireland were a working. May Bank Holiday weekend me arse!
Shayne Ward |
Instead we were out on the highways and byways giving twinkly-eyed pop crooner Shayne Ward a few tips on hitching-a-lift from your bog-standard Irish motorist... Sadly, he didn't even manage to flag down a single car. Not a one. Nada. Useless with the thumb that lad... Show a bit more leg Shayne. Waggle that thumb like ye feckin' mean it.
Shayne Ward |
The Manchester / Irish singer was back on Dublin soil to let all you peeps know that he's tramping about the countryside this summer - playing gigs where ever the long and winding road and heart-strings take him... Which, will probably lead him to Pearse Stadium in Galway on Saturday June 21st... In support of Westlife. Okay. So he's not just following the road to where ever it may take him. Just sounded more romantic that way. Sorta, windswept 'n' stuff.
Shayne Ward |
Apparently, tickets for this sure-to-sell-out gig go on sale this Friday over at Ticket Master... We're sure that if Shayne starts out on the road this week he should make it to Galway by mid June. Hopefully. Only, we forgot to tell him to face the oncoming traffic on the side of the road you actually want to go when hitchhiking. And, not the other way around (as illustrated in the photo above). Oh dear. Someone give that lad a lift.