MacGowan Gets Grouchy at Groucho...
Woe-be-tied. It's not a face you would want to wake up beside on the pillow nor on a billboard advertisement for Colgate. But if you want a good picture of Shane MacGowan gritting his single tooth, point a paparazzo's camera in his mush, then back away...
Shane MacGowan |
Aul salty seadog Shane MacGowan may look like he's on his last legs as he slowly shuffles about the place, mumbling and hissing with laughter to himself. But point an unwelcome camera in his face and see him fly baby!
Shane MacGowan |
The bould Shane was out partying this week (like he does anything else) at London's Groucho Club. As he was helped into his waiting car, the flashes from the paparazzi cameras made him angry, and he went slightly more green than usual. Hulk smash.
Shane MacGowan |
Unfortunately for MacGowan the Paps are light on their feet in London and he never grasped hold of his intended target... But made a funny fotee instead! Good lad Shane, good to see there's life in the aul dog yet...