Farrell Causes Panic on the Streets of Dublin...
Actor in dire need of a feed, Colin Farrell, was back prowling the mean streets of Dublin last night on his latest movie 'Triage'. Yes. He's only back in Eire a hot minute and managed to snap him. In the bag baby... No. No. No. Your sincerest thanks are not even required.
Colin Farrell |
Somehow we reckon we're right off The Farreller's Christmas card list. Surely not? He looked none-too-happy with us darn paparazzi happy snappers when we turned-up at his Triage film set last night. Well, someone has to point out just how skinny he has got on his latest flick. Right?
Colin Farrell |
And no point in blowing out those cheeks to make yourself look plumper Col, your drastic weight-loss has already made world news (again, no thanks required!)... And NO, we didn't PhotoShop THAT infamous picture of you in Spain... We're not that good.
Colin Farrell |
Colin was back on home soil yesterday shooting scenes for Triage in-and-around North Dublin inner city. Whilst the rest of the Social Set were at the Indiana Jones Premiere, Mr. Farrell was busy on set only a few streets away. Toiling for his art.
Colin Farrell, Skinheads |
Minor Spoiler Alert: In the scene we witnessed (and boldly snapped), Farrell's character looked in a very bad way as he hobbled in pain down a deserted and dark street...
Colin Farrell, Skinheads |
Ominously, he then gets approached by three rowdy and drunken skinheads who kick over some trashcans and intimidate Farrell as they pass him in the night...
Colin Farrell |
After that it was a wrap, and Colin went off home to his bed... We didn't get much more info on this scene at the set as the film crew weren't exactly happy with our presence (like they ever are). What we can tell you is that Farrell was scruffy, very thin and totally immersed in his character. Even between scenes he didn't seem to drop the act once and kept his portrayal up... Impressed, we were with newly thespianized Colin Farrell. Cough. Oscar. Ahem. Cough. Cough.