Bono Gets The Warhol Treatment....
It seems that Sir Bono of Dalkey has joined the ranks of Pop Art iconized stars such as Marilyn Monroe and a tin of Campbell’s Soup by getting the Andy Warhol treatment... Only it's Andy's wingman, Steve Kaufman, that's daubing the paint about this time...
Steve Kaufman painting of Bono |
You know, we're sure if Andy Warhol was alive today he'd have his boys down at 'The Factory' knocking out portraits of Bono to beat-the-band. But he's not. So another graduate of the infamous Factory, Steve Kaufman, has taken on the job of immortalising our own Mr. Hewson the Pop Art way.
Steve Kaufman, Bono Painting |
US artist, Kaufman, has created a 2 panel painting of Bono in his California studio and called it, erm, 'Bono 2 Panel painting'. Well, what else was he gonna call it?
Steve Kaufman painting of Bono |
Kaufman decided to immortalise the U2 frontman after spending some time in Dublin recently when Pop Art Ireland ran an exhibition of his work in The Shelbourne Hotel which, completely sold out... Us Irish just love to splash out on the aul Art.
Steve Kaufman painting of Bono |
So if any of you crazy U2 fans wanna get your hands on this painting of Bono get your arses over to before it's too late. We hear bids start at 7,000 Euro for this little beauty... Sold! To the man in the Stetson.