The Wolf Expecting A Cub...
Yet another exclusive for Ryan Tubridy's favourite website at the weekend folks. And this time, no dog walkers! Ahem. Yup. We managed to pap the Big Bad Wolf at the weekend walking with girlfriend Elaine Buggle who was looking very much in the family way. Sensationally, we can also reveal that Mr. Kieron Ducie ISN'T naming his forthcoming cub after Katy French... Who'd have thought?
Kieron Ducie, Elaine Buggle |
Last Saturday morning we caught up with businessman and notorious party animal Kieron Ducie as he, and his tall raven haired lady Elaine Buggle, left a city centre beauty salon after some much needed primping & pampering and walked back to his jeep.
Kieron Ducie, Elaine Buggle |
Not normally one for being full of the joys of spring when confronted with a paparazzo's camera, Mr. Ducie seemed in good spirits and joyfully revealed to our snap-happy snapper that his girlfriend Elaine was almost six months pregnant with his child...
Kieron Ducie, Elaine Buggle |
The normally very private businessman where the press is concerned let the cat-out-of-the-bag regarding his expecting better-half as he didn't want our lens-man to think his partner was getting portly, pointing at Elaine's bump and joking: "Yes she's pregnant. Well, I don't want you think that's a beer belly!"
Kieron Ducie, Elaine Buggle |
Taking-the-mick out of his media made handle: 'The Wolf', Kieron went on to quip: "We're looking forward to having a little pup come September..."
Kieron Ducie, Elaine Buggle |
It was reported in the press on Sunday that Elaine & Kieron intended to call the baby Katy after the late great Katy French - who tragically met her maker after a much media debated session in Mr. Ducie's house, thus throwing the businessman into the spotlight.
Kieron Ducie, Elaine Buggle |
But these bold claims were quickly refuted by the couple in The Star newspaper today basically saying that they weren't even aware of the sex of the baby never mind naming the infant after Katy French. So there you have it folks, they won't be labeling the child with the name of the sadly deceased model.
Kieron Ducie, Elaine Buggle |
Congratulations to Kieron & Elaine on their forthcoming bundle of joy. We're sure there will be many a cork popped come September...