Stock Exchange Snakes & Ladders...
There's a new craze sweeping this recession ridden Nation of ours folks, and like all good Nation sweeping crazes it involves alcohol and, erm, albino snakes. Yup. Now you get to buy your best booze based on the demand for that brand at the gargle Stock Exchange...
Lisa Marie Maher |
We made our way to the Good Bits bar in Dublin city last week for the launch of the car-azy Stock Exchange concept which allows punters to buy tipples as if they were commodities on the actual stock exchange. Prices go up and down based on their popularity on the open drinks market. So, when Coors Light hits 2.50 you buy, buy, buy. Hic!
Aoiffe Madden, Ray Shah |
And what would a self-respecting launch party be without Lisa Marie Maher and her obligatory albino python folks? We're assuming the asp in question represents the Snakes & Ladders boardgame, and was not just an excuse to have a hot girl fiddling around with a reptile...
Maria Loughran |
Other guests at the market crashing launch party were: Aoiffe Madden, Ray Shah, Maria Loughran, Sandra Fitzgerald, Sarah Daly, Brid Casey, and many more...
Sandra Fitzgerald |
Sarah Daly, Brid Casey |
Lisa Marie Maher |