The Glenda Rocks 'Hells Angels Chic'...
When we accidentally caught-up with Xpose presenter and top model Glenda Gilson walking down Henry Street this week she was all decked out in leather biker boots, a leather biker jacket, and looking right tough. In fact, she was only short of a growling Harley Davidson (not Davison!) between her long denim clad legs to complete the look. We're calling this vibe 'Hells Angel Chic'...
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There's no doubt that The Glenda went through the ringer recently what with her very public man troubles and the subsequent media pounding she got after a certain former Miss World got thrown into the mix. But you can't keep a good Irish woman down folks - she's back, she's clad in black, and looking tougher than ever. Don't mess with The Glenda.
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By chance not design, one of our slimy snappers happened across Miss Gilson strolling down Henry Street in the Northside of the city this week all decked-out in black leather with steel studs and blue denim... Hot yet dangerous.
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We're really liking Glenda's image u-turn folks and her new air of danger. Yup. Very rebel without a cause meets barbarella. All she needs now is a big hog... Any takers?
Glenda Gilson |