Kathryn Rocks 'Irish Summer Chic'...
RTE's golden girl Kathryn Thomas is like the rest of us confused paddies folks - playing Russian Roulette with the rather predictably unpredictable Irish weather. When we caught up with her last week at TodayFM her top half said summer while her bottom half said burrrrr...
Kathryn Thomas |
The curse of the mouldy Irish weather means you have to dress for 4 (or even 5) seasons in one day. Sure you can rock your brand-new designer shades (ala Kathryn Thomas) but make sure you have an umbrella, a wind break, shorts, waders, sun block, thermal underwear, Speedos, gloves, and an igloo constructor kit...
Kathryn Thomas |
When we spotted Winning Streak presenter Kathryn Thomas leaving TodayFM studios at the weekend her upper body fashion was in stark contrast to what was going on below the waist. Like, heavy black jeans don't quite gel well with light pastel cotton tops and white framed sunglasses.
Kathryn Thomas |
But we're not slagging-off our Kat. Hell no. At this time of the year the feckin' Irish weather changes from moment to moment so you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. What to wear? What to wear? Thus, we're calling this vibe: 'Irish Summer Chic'... And we're all guilty of it.