Tea With Balls Is The New Coffee...
A new fad has come to Ireland folks, and to be honest, we're kinda stoked. If like us you get your daily caffeine intake via hot milky beverages in any given coffee shop with an open door, then get ready for alternative. It's called Bubblicity Tea and even our very own Kathryn Thomas digs it...
Kathryn Thomas |
Last weekend a new wee shop opened in the Georges Street Arcade folks, and we're recommending you get down there and try their Bubblicity Tea so at least you can say you were there before it became a big National chain. Yup. This stuff is good, super light and tasty, plus the perfect summer beverage... Tea with balls.
Kathryn Thomas |
Founders Ronan Murphy, Karl Mulvee and Ivano Cafolla have launched the concept shop in Dublin City but it's already a tried and tested success all over the world. Basically their formula for success is based around numerous refreshing ice tea drinks with various combinations of fruit flavours and these novel 'pebbles' that explode in your mouth...
Ivano Cafolla, Karl Mulvee |
But don't take our word for it, get down to Georges Street Arcade and give it a go for yourself... And don't let them force those chewy tapioca pearls on your unsuspecting beverage, they've split some tea drinkers we've asked down the middle like Marmite. We'll stick to the lychee pebbles thanks very much.
Kate Bonner |
So far we've been down to the shop a few times folks and already we've bumped into the likes of Kathryn Thomas, Amy Huberman, and Brian O'Driscoll chilling with the tea. Yup. That wee Arcade on Georges Street is becoming a celeb hotspot thanks to Bubblicity. Plus you can buy hats and get your fortune told there, it's the Arcade that just keeps on giving.
Sarah McGinley |
So there you have it folks, tea is the new coffee, you heard it here first... Oh, and we've already suggested a Bubblicity Mojito tea. Yup. That's what us Irish do - we add alcohol to stuff. What - you never heard of Irish Coffee?
Kathryn Thomas |