Rosanna & The Cellugate Scandal...
With Ryanair claiming that comments made by Rosanna Davison about their cabin crew calendar "bordered on racism" and then Rosie branding our beloved "bitchy" & "nasty" on the front of The Herald today, the former Miss World sure has developed unique a way of dealing with the media... Someone get this girl a publicist. Quick. Before it all goes pear shaped.
Rosanna Davison |
Okay. Okay. So we kinda knew there was gonna be some sort of knock-back when we suggested last week that Rosanna Davison might be sporting a bit o' cellulite on her thighs in the above photo... But the front page of The Evening Herald and a whole page 3 devoted to the beauty queen's reaction to our feature? Surely there are bigger things happening in the world other than Rosie's orange peel that Elaine Stenson and Evening Herald staff could report on? Obviously not. The Cellugate Scandal is front page news folks.
Rosanna Davison |
In our defense we didn't say in the original story that the slight marks on backs of Rosanna's thighs were only down to cellulite. The exact quote was: "well it was either cellulite, bad fake tan application or creases from her car seat" – if the Lads Mag stunner hadn't reacted to the story on the front page of a newspaper, it would have probably gone away. But she confirmed to the Herald that she does indeed suffer from cellulite, exclaiming: "It's completely normal as far as I'm concerned, maybe I have a bit but doesn't everyone?" So, we were a bit naughty pointing it out, but at least we gave our Rosie a few alternative explanations. Gawd.
Rosanna Davison |
But don't worry dear friends. Rosie isn't at all concerned about her own vanity. Hell no. The UCD graduate is more concerned how the poor weak minded readers of might be influenced by our sinister views. She declared: "I do think it's bad for impressionable girls who may be insecure about their own bodies. The nastiness by this website over flaws, however tiny, can affect people's view of themselves in a negative way." Really? And there we were thinking we were doing a public service by pointing out that even a former Miss World and Ireland's top promo girl aint 100% perfect. We live and learn folks. We live and learn.
Rosanna Davison |
Sooo, we're put in our place. But we weren't the only ones to get a tongue lashing from Rosanna this week. O no. When Ryanair didn't use any Irish female cabin crew in their charity calendar, Ms. Davison let them have it too. But the budget airline hit back stating her views: "bordered on racism and demonstrated an elitist attitude against Ryanair's international cabin crew". We disagree. Rosanna is just one of those popular Irish personalities whose personal mobile number is on waaaay too many journalists' phones and is always good for a reactionary quote... Get a publicist dear. Let someone else deal with your press... Hey! We'd do it for free to make-up for cellugate. Wotcha think Rosie?