Kelly Brook Opens Christmas...
There we were thinking it was Santa Claus who brought Christmas cheer folks, but in these dark days of recession it seems society needs some thing more. Much more... That's why Brown Thomas flew in model, actress and all-round babe Kelly Brook to unveil their traditional festive window display... Wonder where she parked her reindeer?
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What a refreshing change it was not to be subjected to an obese old white haired man with Guinness stains in his beard and a tired red suit that has seen better-days telling us it is that time of the year again to blow our hard earned dough on people we barely even like. For our money bah humbug, if we're gonna be pushed into a spending-spree, at least send us someone darn sexy to ease the swallowing of that bitter pill.
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Thankfully, that’s exactly what Brown Thomas on Grafton Street did last week. And let's face it; they don't come much hotter than Kelly Brook. She’s an uber babe.
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Yup. Kelly sauntered up the red carpet outside the luxurious store as would-be consumers lined the security fence to get a glimpse of the former better half of Billy Zane...
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Kelly (28), currently dating England rugby star Danny Cipriani (20), briefly flew into Dublin last week to unveil BT's Christmas windows and luxurious fine jewellery hall. She was also dripping in a fair bit o’ bling herself at the launch.
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But The Kellzer didn't stick around for long. Her short stay in Dublin was brought to an abrupt end as she had a flight to catch in order to perform at a matinee show of her 'Fat Pig' play back in London...
Kelly Brook, Karen Koster |
But true-to-form, poor Kelly got hijacked by the Xpose girls before she could leg-it, and even Celebrity Hitch Hiked by pretty-in-pink Karen Koster. The X-Girls are everywhere.
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As Kelly Brook and her perfect back-side walked away from the many lenses amassed in the Brown Thomas foyer, it dawned on us that Christmas really is upon us once again. And like so many of you out there, that means assaulting the plastic once again...
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The only thing that could possibly make the festive season bearable this year would be to find Kelly Brook curled up in a little red bow under our Christmas tree. Santa, if you're out there and if you're listening...
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