Rogue Models Join The Party...
Bizarre statistic for ya folks - our wee Dublin town has more models per capita than any other city on the planet. Fact. And we just got more densely populated last night when Rogue Model Management unveiled the first crop of catwalk queens adorning the books of the fledgling agency...
Aishling Kennedy, Fiona Roche, Siobhan Ford |
It seems Krystle won't be the only VIP nightclub in Dublin coming equipped with a bevy of hot models sitting at every other table. Well, not if Lillies Bordello's PR lady Fiona Roche has anything to do with it...
Andrea Eithell |
For Fiona and her business partner Darren Butler, have only gone and launched their own spanking new model agency and aptly called it: 'Rogue Model Management'. No doubt the Rogue girls won't have any problem getting by the strict Lillies doormen when they pop out for a dance of a Saturday night... It seems battle lines have been drawn on many fronts folks.
Liz Fabienne |
Although, some might question the business brain of Fiona Roche launching a model agency into an already saturated and established marketplace AND with the country heading down the tunnel of a dark economic recession... Is she craaazy?
Carolina Sturlese |
But Ms. Roche certainly doesn't see it that way, quite the reverse in fact. She sees an increase in demand for models and promo girls as companies and businesses compete harder and harder in the media for their consumers' attention in the tough months and years to come. Ballsy or what!
Lauren Bannon, Sonia Gusemko |
And with 35 fresh faces on her books Fiona sure has thrown down the gauntlet to the existing stalwarts of the Irish modelling world: Assets, Morgan, First Option, Compton and B-Scene... We think that's them all.
Amanda Benham |
Sure, there's nothing like a bit of aul competition to liven things up we always say. And with all the comings-and-goings of models between agencies these days, there seems to be little or no loyalty in that infamously fickle industry. So Fiona could see a few of the big names knocking on her door looking for bookings very soon...
Orsi Simay |
Rogue Model Management put a large selection of girls through their paces with a runway show held at Dakota last night. And there were a lot of new faces that we haven't seen on 'the scene' before. Namely Aishling Kennedy, Siobhan Ford, Andrea Eithell, Liz Fabienne, Carolina Sturlese, Lauren Bannon, Sonia Gusemko, Amanda Benham, Orsi Simay and Gillian McDonagh to name but a few...
Alina Bacalina, Emily Rose |
Of course it wasn't just all models at Dakota last night; there were normal people there too... But just in case we offend anyone by listing them as models or non models we'll refrain from naming people as guests. What? With 35 fricken models walking around it was kinda hard to see the woods for the trees.
Laura Green |
We wish Fiona and Darren luck with their new business endeavor. And we look forward to seeing what interesting personalities emerge from the gilded pages their books... Gawd knows we need some new blood to wake things up - the current batch make bland sound exciting! It's all gone a bit magnolia folks.
Anne Boylan |
We'll give the last word to Fiona Roche, who summed-up the whole thing last night: "Since we started the agency we've been inundated with requests from models wanting to be signed on. We're very well positioned in the business because over the past few years Darren and I have built up excellent relationships with a number of high-profile clients, many of whom have already expressed an interest in working with Rogue Model Management"...
Aishling Kennedy, Fiona Roche, Siobhan Ford |