The Tudors Wrap, BodyByrne Launches...
What was that thing Newton said? Oh yeah - for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. Well folks, the ShowBiz Law of motion sorta works that way too... Last weekend The Tudors TV show had its final wrap-party in Lillies Bordello while simultaneously BodyByrne celebrity gym was having its opening afterparty also at the VIP venue. You guessed it - balance was restored to our Farce...
Rosanna Davison |
The eternal ShowBiz Karma treadmill just keeps on rolling, and long may it continue... For the past few summers we've had countless international big names from the silver screen hanging around Dublin whilst shooting took place in the award winning hit period drama. T'was bread an butter stuff.
Henry Cavill, Katie Hurst |
And with Jonathan Rhys Meyers at the helm The Tudors kept our snappers busy and most of Ireland's hard-strapped acting community - summer after summer after summer. It was the TV show that just kept on giving so it was.
Keith Duffy |
Alas, that's all over now as the Ardmore based production wrapped-up this month and had its final wrap-party last Friday night at Lillies Bordello. But sadly without Jonathan Rhys Meyers there, as of course, our wee Jonny is strictly on the wagon these days.
Max Brown, Guest |
But just as the one thing ends another begins, as is the way of the world. So all the Tudors may be gone but celebs at least have another reason to hangout in the city centre as personal trainer to the stars, Paul Byrne, launched his brand new expanded gym. And on the same night The Tudors wrapped it up. Spooky.
Glenda Gilson |
So as one set of ShowBiz types celebrated the demise of the US TV drama, another set celebrated the rise of BodyByrne Gym. And it all took place in Lillies Bordello last Friday night.
Amy Stack |
With a massive new fully-equipped premises on Clarendon Street (beside Jackie Skellys) almost as big as his celebrity client list, Paul Byrne threw his BodyByrne Gym launch bash at his city centre headquarters - but the afterparty spilled over in to Lillies Bordello along with most of his gym membership...
Niall Breslin |
On the BodyByrne side we spotted Rosanna Davison & Keith Duffy at the actual gym and the likes of Niall Breslin, Glenda Gilson, Karen Koster, Kamal Ibrahim, Brian Kennedy, and quite a few more, hitting Lillies.
Elaine Hopkins |
On The Tudors team we had Henry Cavill, Max Brown, Nick Dunning, Amy Stack, Elaine Hopkins, Joan Bergin, Gerry Lundberg, and many more...
Karen Koster |
So there you have it folks - the circle of life. Crappy theme for a story, we know, but we needed some sorta thread to sew these two sets of over-lapping photos together. Lazy yet genius.
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Kamal Ibrahim (Mr Ireland) |
Joan Bergin |
Brian Kennedy, Chris Kelly |
Gerry Lundberg |
Maria Fusco, Morris Pike |
Niall O'Farrell, Liam Cunningham |
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Michael Hurst (Creator of The Tudors) |
Nick Dunning |