Has Toogood Took To The Red Side?
There our pap was, innocently firing off a few shots of Rosanna Davison walking into Krystle last Saturday night with an attractive red-head lady by her side. But when we looked at the shots again back in ShowBiz HQ, turns-out the hot redzer in question was fellow Assets model Laura Toogood... Shock. Horror. Has Miss Toogood gone all Maureen O'Hara on us and took to the red side?
Laura Toogood |
As models on the Irish circuit go, we have to say personality wise, Laura Toogood is as sound as a Euro. Top top burd altogether. And despite being of the English persuasion, she's taken to Irish culture like a fish-to-water with a pint of Guinness in one hand and paddy boyfriend Nicky Arnold in the other... And with a Trinity College PhD on the way, we reckon she's the ultimate thinking man's bit o' crumpet.
Rosanna Davison, Laura Toogood |
But now, by the looks of these pics, we're assuming that our Laura has taken her Irishnessessity to the next level and is rocking trad colleen chic with newly hued ginger tresses framing her petit English Rose features. Well, it's either that or our computer screens are playing-up and somehow interpreting her new brunette do as rather auburn-esque. We hope not, we're only lurving Miss Toogood as a red head.
Rosanna Davison |
Formerly blonde Toogood was at Krystle with formerly brunette Rosanna Davison last Saturday night – also lukin' fab, may we add... We also spotted Big Brother babe Noirin Kelly at the club rocking a new curly do... T'was a weekend of debut hair styles folks. Or wonky colour calibrated laptop monitors.
Elaine Caverly, Noirin Kelly |