What's The Craic With This Aoiffe Wan?
Jeez. We haven't been keeping-up with the Irish Apprentice malarkey of late other than snapping a few peeps from the show, like Aoiffe Madden, on nights out - then hearing passers-by whisper "that's yer wan from The Apprentice". Being total and utter commitment-phobes we flatly refuse to watch any more Reality TV in case we get sucked in. Again...
Aoiffe Madden |
On principal, we've never watched The Irish Apprentice nor The Irish Dragon's Den and for a very simple reason. We completely detest the UK versions of these shows so we're assuming tuning-in the Oirish franchised versions would be akin to stabbing ourselves with hot pins in our eyes while simultaneously listening to Jedward singing Hit Me Baby One More Time. On Repeat... Forever.
Aoiffe Madden |
But seeing as we always end-up snapping all these wanna-be flash-in-the-pan TV stars contestants at some stage - we have to buy into all the short-lived hype somewhat just to facilitate the media's undying appetite for our quality celebrity fotees. They just won't leave us be!
Maria Lochrane, Aoiffe Madden |
Anyroad. We've snapped Aoiffe Madden (why just the two Fs?), from the TV3 show, a few times and each time we've had enquiries from the Rags wanting to know all about her nights out on the town... WHY?? So folks, we got pics of Aoiffffffffffffe last weekend at Krystle and we thought she was pretty darn hot in our snaps. We don't get all the fuss and ado about her evil / mental eyes? We're just not seeing it, although, we are totally behind the times on this one. Not down wiv da kidz.