The Krystleween Party 2010...
Looking far bustier than when we last saw her, Big Brother babe Noirin Kelly (has she had them done?) was amongst the lucky early arrivees at Krystle Nightclub's Halloween Party 2010. Yup. It filled-up so quick that they had to turn many a VIP away from their busy doors last Saturday night. As per usual we had a snapper on the step covering all the spooky shenanigans...
Noirin Kelly |
Halloween really came to town last weekend folks with everyone and their sister dressed-up to the nines in sexy and ghoulish partywear. Yup. Dublin could soon be taking over from Derry as the best city in Ireland to celebrate the night when ghosts, gobblins, and's hunched paparazzi freely roam the earth. Muhahahahaaa...
Ciara Murphy, Noirin Kelly |
In the last few years Krystle nightclub has pulled out all of the stops on Halloween and seems to attract all our fav model types wearing less than they usually do in their day job. Thus, we always like to cover the comings and goings.
Julie Kavanagh, Caroline Flynn, Conor Buckley, Claire Fergus, Emma Nolan |
We're happy to say that Dubliners really put in the effort this year, in fact, we've never seen so many people dressed-up and dressed-up so well on Halloween. Well done to all who made the effort. Not a black bin liner costume in sight anywhere.
Carol Byrne |
We especially liked Krystle manager Conor Buckley's man-in-cage-carried-by-ape costume. Genius. And we must also mention Carol Byrne's Princess Leia inspired get-up. It moved us in ways folks.
Geraldine O'Callaghan, Edward Smith |
Best home-made cozzie goes to Edward O'Rourke and his Ed Scissor-Hands get-up - but how did he pee without making himself all Jewish and all? Best couple goes to Louise MacIntyre and Michael Hannon, although, Mike was almost completely eliminated from Halloween for late costume return from last year's party.
Edward O'Rourke |
Other guests at Krystle included: Ciara Murphy, Julie Kavanagh, Caroline Flynn (as Mary Byrne), Claire Fergus, Emma Nolan, Leo Cullen, Bernard Brogan, Joanne Martin, Geraldine O'Callaghan, Edward Smith, Melissa McKay, Gillian Deane, Gill McCann, Andy Lyons, Suzanna Howard, Mary Walsh, Ciara O'Shea, Sonja Mohlich, CJ Rooney, Rangan Aruchelvan, Kate Sheridan, Brian O'Malley, Izzy Whelan, Fiona Couglin, Nicola Pickering, Charlotte Goodwin, Sean O'Brien, Mark McDonagh, Ciara Carroll, Tommy Lavelle, Killian O'Sullivan, Lorraine Buckley, Emily Hearne, Giovanna Borza, Marcus Heather, and many more...
Joanne Martin |
So there you have it folks. And remember, in Ireland we say Help The Halloween Party when we go around the doors NOT Trick Or Treat. That's a fact. Trick Or Treat is a rather recent American influence, a bit like the many many people dressed in blue Avatar costumes.
Melissa McKay, Gillian Deane |
Over to you dear commentators. Who was your best and worst dressed on Halloween night?
Louise MacIntyre, Michael Hannon |
Suzanna Howard |
Gill McCann, Andy Lyons |
Mary Walsh, Ciara O'Shea |
Rangan Aruchelvan, Kate Sheridan, Brian O'Malley |
Izzy Whelan, Fiona Couglin |
Sonja Mohlich, CJ Rooney |
Nicola Pickering, Charlotte Goodwin |
Ronan O'Loughlin, Bea Watson, Jenny Stokes, Mark Elliott |
Conor Buckley |
Sean O'Brien, Mark McDonagh |
Bernard Brogan, girlfriend Lesley Walsh |
Leo Cullen & girlfriend & Rugby Players |
Giovanna Borza, Marcus Heather |
Lorraine Buckley, Emily Hearne |
Ciara Carroll, Tommy Lavelle |
Killian O'Sullivan |
Julie Kavanagh |