National Crisis Over. It's So Like Vogue Williams...
You can go into your weekend calm, relaxed and chilled folks. For we just got official confirmation officially from an RTE official. Yup. Fade Street uber posh gal Vogue Wilson IS in fact called Vogue Williams. Phew. And hold on to your unscripted scripts, coz there's more...
Vogue Williams |
It has been the biggest overriding dilemma facing the Irish public this year - far bigger than the banking crisis, the bond spread, cheesegate, and Cowen's mystic unhangover. Yup. Everyone wants to know what actually is the proper bona fide surname of our fav model Vogue... And no one even questioned her first name... Really?
Vogue Williams |
Well we got an email literally seconds ago from an RTE insider stating in no uncertain terms: "Her name is definitely Williams". So there you go peeps. Everyone can stop calling her Wilson from now on. It's deffffo Williams. Case solved.
Louise Johnston |
And our RTE Deep-Throat wasn't finished with the aul Fade Street moniker correcting. Oh no. We were also informed: "Louise's surname is Johnston with a 't' and Vogue is known as Vogue Williams in the series." Consider yizzerselves told.
Cici Cavanagh, Dani Robinson, Vogue Williams, Louise Johnston |
So there you have it folks. The Fade Street Namegate in thee bag. And while we're at it - we're hearing Cici's real name is Claire Cavanagh and Dani is actually Danielle. So. Did anyone out there like the first Fade Street show? The reviews aint looking so good thus far... It's the show Ireland loves to hate... A bit like us.
Fade Street Official SoLike Count, Episode One: "So" said 165 times, "Like" said 492 times.