Models 4 Big Boys 2010...
Toys 4 Big Boys vroomed back into The RDS again last weekend with all that high powered turboness on wheels that apparently us lads love. Of course, the place was filled with busty fair maidens flinging themselves across the bonnets of flash motors akimbo. Now that type of thing we can dig...
Hazel O'Sullivan |
Some people go to Toys 4 Big Boys for the flash cars, others for the fast bikes. Us? We just go to ogle the models hanging around all day in high-heels trying to make the place look interesting... Cuz that's how da massive roll.
Aisling Pugh |
This year's select bunch of lovely ladies brightening up the place at the RDS included: Lisa McKernan, Caoimhe Kelly, Hazel O'Sullivan, Elaine Lynch, Aishling Croughan, Alisa Nebotova, Aisling O'Reilly, and Aisling Pugh... We know. That's a lot of Aislings.
Caoimhe Kelly |
So there you have it folks, Toys 4 Big Boys 2010. Absolutely no focus at all on the oil driven combustion motor thingamajigs. Just the ladies. Damn, we could get a job at PWC at this rate...
Lisa McKernan |
Right. Who was your favourite Model 4 Big Boys at Toys 4 Big Boys?
Elaine Lynch |
Aisling O'Reilly |
Aishling Croughan, Alisa Nebotova |
Lisa McKernan, Caoimhe Kelly, Hazel O'Sullivan, Elaine Lynch |
Hazel O'Sullivan |