The Bleedin' Bang Of Jordan Off Ye...
Ever wanted to smell like Katie Price folks? Well, just close your eyes right now and imagine what it's like to deep breathe in the aroma of Jordan... Are your nostrils now filled with the true stench of glamour? If not don't worry, our Jordo was over in Dublin last week leaving scent trails...
Katie Price aka Jordan |
She's had everything from singles in the charts to kiddie books, reality tv shows to her own line in horsey gear. It’s like there is nothing she won't put her name to, and it seems you punters keep lining-up to purchase things with the Katie Price or Jordan brands stamped on them. And for the life of us, we don't know why...
Katie Price aka Jordan |
The girl famous for getting her boobs made bigger and bigger then a bit smaller, with numerous photoshoots to support each alteration, now has a big smell out there. Yup. It's called 'Precious Love' and you can actually buy it in Ireland. Yay!
Katie Price aka Jordan |
We caught up with Katie Price last week as she toured the 'burbs promoting her perfume at Unicare in The Mill, Clondalkin & McCabes Pharmacy in The Pavillion, Swords... Great. Now yis all know what we what for Crimbo. The very essence of Price.
Katie Price aka Jordan |