The Glenda & Vinny B Diaries...
Not since Che Guevara hopped on a motorcycle has a travel epilogue been more anticipated. We are of course referring to the much talked about upcoming TV show featuring the original odd couple Glenda Gilson and Vincent Browne hitting the hottest tourist spots hard across the continent...
Glenda Gilson |
Apparently those crazy folk over at Straywave Media are hell bent on bending the minds of Irish TV viewers once again. Not content with thwarting the collective Irish cortex with the likes of Fade Street, Dublin Housewives, and Celebrity Salon - now they want to create a very different Travel Show fronted by the unlikeliest of couplings.
Glenda Gilson |
The goss on the vine is that model and Xpose presenter Glenda Gilson will be slapping a string vest & a knotted white hankie onto the head of TV3 political warhorse Vincent Browne, and The Glam & The Grump will be assessing the virtues of European hotspots, on location and living it large... Vinny B in Ibiza baby!
Mairead Farrell |
The Glenda was down at Today FM yesterday in her military green hoodie along with the likes of Mairead Farrell who, by chance, was also bigging up a new TV show. Yup. Our Mairead is fronting RTE's The Movie Show alongside Eoghan McDermott... Jeezeez, everyone's getting on the telly.
Paul Howard |
Other guests at Today FM included Paul Howard, aka Ross O'Carroll Kelly, talking about the removal of Seanie Fitz from his Anglo: The Musical thingy and comedian Neil Delamere, probably just being really funny. If you're into that type of thing.
Neil Delamere |
So there you have it folks, busy day at Today FM with lots of talk of new projects on the entertainment front... Really looking forward to seeing Vincent Browne's European Vacation, as long as he doesn't bring predictable killjoys Richard Boyd Barrett & Ming along with him...
Glenda Gilson |