Expectant Amy All The Fash...
We gotta give it to Amy Huberman folks, we hear she's like six months pregnant or something yet she's out busily plugging her new book 'I Wished For You' all over the gaff. And we're only taking her word that she's in the family way as there was ner a sign of a baby bump on show as she fashionably rocked a military style jacket and skinny black shiny leggings at Newstalk this week...
Amy Huberman |
Sure she's got a hit comedy show on Comedy Central, a brand new book on the shelves, and a hobbled rugby superstar hubbie on the go. But she's also got a wee bun in the oven. Yet, looking at Amy Huberman you'd hardly know folks. Fresh as a daisy.
Amy Huberman |
Yup. The Irish superwoman had a busy weekend gone with an appearance on The Late Late Show and a few book signings at Easons and the like. We caught up with her at ALL those locations and at Newstalk where she was a guest on the Tom Dunne Show...
Amy Huberman |
All that said, we're delighted for Bramy and their pending Stork delivered package. Good people... We hoped we'd have a standard snap for yis folks of Hubbers supporting the baby bump with her hands at this stage but no such luck... And we've even Googled "6 month pregnant belly".