Adrienne Back To The Day Job...
There's something about Adrienne Murphy folks. Yup. Our latest and greatest Miss Universe Ireland winner just effortlessly shines on camera and even though she's in Miss Universe prep mode, our Adri was back at the day job last night doing the aul modelling...
Adrienne Murphy |
Usually after a girl wins an Irish 'Miss' contest we don't see her out of the tiara and sash until after she returns from the international stage. So we were well impressed to see Miss Universe Ireland 2012 Adrienne Murphy back earning a crust at the Arnotts 'Night of Style' fashion event in The Morgan last night...
Roz Lipsett |
But it wasn't just Miss Murphy that caught our eye at The Morgan last night. We also spotted an old stalwart in Roz Lipsett working at the fashion show... Regulars will remember the lovely Lipsett from these hallowed pages before she ran off to New York to do the modelling and stuff.
Faith Barnett |
Other models at the Arnotts Night of Style gig in The Morgan included: Faith Barnett, Sarah McGovern, Kristi Kuudisiim, Cristiona Aston, and more... Oh and just by the by, all the catwalkers kindly posed for us before the show so some of 'em were still mid-stylist.
Sarah McGovern |
Guests at the show included: Lisa Fitzpatrick, Somaries Quintana, Niamh Keaveney, and many more... So there you have it folks, proof that MUI gals are grafters... Really hot grafters.
Kristi Kuudisiim |
Cristiona Aston |
Niamh Keaveney |
Somaries Quintana |
Lisa Fitzpatrick |