A Nation of Model Politicians?
If Britain is a Nation of shopkeepers than surely Ireland is a Nation of politicians & models. And no, not model politicians, don't get those two words mixed-up. Ever. Last night the beautiful and not so beautiful mixed seamlessly on the catwalk for The Oireachtas Christmas Fashion Show 2012...
Rozanna Purcell |
Two juxtaposed elements of modern Irish society got all mixed up last night folks. One we love, the other we abhor. Yup. Fashion models & Oireachtas politicians rubbed shoulders at The Shelbourne last night for The Oireachtas Christmas Fashion Show.
Mary Mitchell O'Connor TD |
Now, we know what you're thinking dear reader. Surely this bunch of tax payer gilded pension funded fops should be off ensuring that proper abortion legislation is finally passed in this backward bogwater country and not quaffing down champers over at The Shelbourne?
Sarah McGovern |
But, in fact, this fashion soiree was all in aid of charity with The Motor Neurone Association of Ireland, Action Prostate Cancer Research and Br. Kevin Crowley's Capuchin Day Centre for the homeless in Dublin City Centre all benefitting from funds raised. Fair enough sez you.
Avril Power |
And yes, fair play to all concerned, even though we still strongly feel that all members of The Oireachtas should be fighting tooth and nail day and night to legalise abortion in Ireland. Remember folks, future generations are looking back at us right now and seeing us as no better than knuckle dragging cave dwelling gobshites.
Naomi Cullen |
Guests and models on the night included: Rozanna Purcell, Naomi Cullen, Avril Power, Sarah McGovern, Mary Mitchell O'Connor TD, Sinead Considine, Pat Kenny & wife Kathy Kenny, Imelda Henry, Eoghan Murphy, Paul Galvin, Jimmy Deenihan, Alan Brogan, Derek Keating, Eamonn Coghlan, Fiona Fitzgerald, Brian Purcell, Genevieve Deering, Sarah Morrissey, Catherine Noone, John Lyons, Sandra McLellan, Karen Fitzpatrick, Yomiko Chen, and many more...
Sinead Considine |
So there you have it folks, Irish political types doing their bit... Soapbox moment... If only they'd realise that abortion in Ireland right now is about CHOICE. Wealthier women have the CHOICE to travel to the UK for the procedure whereas poorer woman have no CHOICE. Pro Life is nothing more than class discrimination enforced by postmenopausal bible bashing right wingers who still think having over 7 billion people on the planet is part of God's plan... Have sense Ireland. Legalise abortion.
Pat Kenny & wife Kathy Kenny |
Imelda Henry |
Eoghan Murphy |
Paul Galvin, Jimmy Deenihan, Alan Brogan |
Derek Keating, Eamonn Coghlan |
Fiona Fitzgerald, Brian Purcell, Genevieve Deering |
Sarah Morrissey |
Catherine Noone, John Lyons, Sandra McLellan |
Karen Fitzpatrick |
Yomiko Chen |
Paul Galvin |