Jonnolly Loving Up The Odeon...
With established Irish celebrity couples falling by the wayside on a daily basis folks we're glad to say our fav perfect pair Vivienne Connolly & John Norton are still so-solid. We hooked-up with the Jonnolly lovebirds at the relaunch of The Odeon Nite Bar last weekend...
Vivienne Connolly & John Norton |
They dropped right off the social radar for a while there so in the wake of Kathryn Thomas, Sile Seoige, Lisa Murphy, and a few more apparent break-ups we thought the lovely Vivienne Connolly was back on the market. But thankfully no. Yup. There's still love out there on the celeb scene folks, we're happy to report. We need stability in our wee ShowBiz family.
Vivienne Connolly |
We spotted John & Vivienne at the relaunch of The Odeon last weekend and what a shamazballs job they've done on the place. Like, it wasn't a bad spot in the first place but the updated interior design is something to behold... And the cost? Rumours of cricket scores abound.
Izabela Chudzicka & Brent Pope |
Guests at the relaunch of The Odeon Nite Bar included: India Dawson, Izabela Chudzicka & Brent Pope, Miriam Hunt, Elaine Butler Doolin, Paul Keaveney, Michelle McGill, Peter Holman, John Compton, and many more...
India Dawson |
So there you have it folks, in a world where Irish celebrity couples are about as stable as Irish house prices, at least Jonnolly are still fighting the good fight... We may even get an excuse to buy a new hat yet.
Miriam Hunt |
Elaine Butler Doolin |
Paul Keaveney |
Michelle McGill |
Peter Holman, John Compton |
Odeon Nite Bar Interior |