Rhys Meyers Meets Trinity Phil...
Pillow lipped and snake hipped actor Jonathan Rhys Meyers finally got a bit of academic recognition for his totally accurate portrayal of a historical figure in The Tudors. Well, these celeb obsessed students at Trinity College will throw honours at feckin’ anyone off de telly. What's so philosophical about that? Well, our Jonny has got dreamy eyes...
Jonathan Rhys Meyers |
Ever since those heady wayward days in Cork pool halls, Jonathan Rhys Meyers has wished he did better in his Inter and pursued the academic path. Alas, he ended up shooting poor Michael Collins in the back and the rest, as they say, is history baby.
Jonathan Rhys Meyers |
Dublin born Jonathan O’Keeffe & Cork raised Jonathan Rhys Meyers was at Trinity College at the weekend dazzling the spotty student fraternity with his dapper dress sense and Zoolander-esque range of brow flexes and lip pouts (they really are a beautiful thing to behold).
Jonathan Rhys Meyers |
The Trinity College Philosophical Society (Phil to hip cats) awarded its Honorary Patronage on JRM for all the rompin' and decapitatin' he's doing in The Tudors of late. It's a good watch alright. Lovin' the high busty wench count.
Jonathan Rhys Meyers |
And before any of you cheeky commentators say anything about a rather unanimated Jonny, we can assure you that this person in the photos here is actually him and not a waxwork... Listen here you lot, it takes a lot of concentration to look this hot and chiseled. If you want smiling as well - that's going to take a lot more than a crappy medal, we're talking at least an honorary PhD. At least.
Trinity College Students |