Was It A BScene Birthday?
On our travels between chasing Ozzy Osbourne around the town and snapping Tubs' guests on the Late Late Show last Friday night we got a call to snap the guests at a B Scene birthday party in the new Cocoon Lounge. But was it the Model Agency's birthday or one of its founders? Surely someone out there must know...
Kerri Nicole |
The old adage: you can't please all of the people all of the time, was certainly created for us poor aul feckers in the paparazzi game. For we generally piss-off most of the people most of the time... Everyone's a critic folks.
Suzanne Coyne, Brendan Scully, Catriona Hanley |
We got the call last Friday from the legendary Ivano Cafolla, who runs the new Cocoon Lounge in Ron Blacks, telling us that there'd be a few model types knocking around his VIP bar that night as there was a birthday party going-on for the B Scene Model Agency. Thus we dispatched one of our unwashed minions.
Sean Montague, Kerri Nicole |
Naturally we assumed it was an anniversary for the opening of the Dublin based agency, sent our snapper along, he done the snaps, and all was hunky-dory Rory... Turns-out, it may in fact have been the birthday party for one of the B Scene owners - Brendan Scully - and not for the agency. We think... Confused yet?
Nicola Hughes, Ivano Cafolla |
We're still not quite sure what the craic was in the Cocoon Lounge last Friday night as our snapper was running from gig-to-gig and never thought to get the exact details of whose birthday it was or anything like that (feckin’ eejit!)... So if one of you avid commentators could clear-up the matter in the comments section below we’d be forever grateful.
Ally Garvey, Dervla Hogan |
So we apologise to Brendan if it was in fact his birthday and not B Scene's. Either way, here's the photos of all the loverly peeps who attended the bash...
Dervla Hogan |
Annnnd, we're especially loving Dervla Hogan's new pale skin vibe... Very now. Hmmmm, wonder if they're still casting for the new Twilight movie?
Lisa Nolan, Kerri Nicole, Laura Rowat |